
Our Eucharistic experience is transformed into a concrete testimony of life in an austere yet dignified service. Following the Pauline spirit of universality, we communicate Christ to the various cultures through our Eucharistic-liturgical-priestly mission.

We pray for the needs of all peoples and remember in a special way those who work in the field of communications, a precious mission entrusted to us by Blessed James Alberione himself.

We render liturgical service in terms of formation, catechesis, biblical-liturgical animations and publications in view of contributing to the growth of the life of faith of God’s people. We also creatively place at the service of the liturgy the riches of various artistic expressions: painting, sculpture, architecture, music, dance, embroidery and other handicrafts in order that prayer may be characterized by beauty and dignity.

The ordained ministers are also a special category of persons entrusted to us by the Founder and by the Church: we pray for priestly and religious vocations, help them in their growth and development, assist and accompany the presbyters in the exercise of their ministry, in times of suffering and pain, in their old age and in other difficult situations.


Pious Apostolic Centre


Holistic Health Care