On 30th August 2023, the 63rd anniversary of the definitive approval of our Congregation, the Indian province proudly welcomed the two Novices, Rosita Gangmei, and Sushita Kispotta into the PDDM family. Amidst melodious singing, they were led to the altar carrying the lighted lamps in their hands, by their parents, the General Councillor Sr. Kanikai Mary Isaac, the Provincial Superior Sr M. Celine Cunha, and the Novice directress Sr M. Romana Pulichumavil.
The Celebration was presided over by Rev. Fr Robert Correa, the Superior of the Society of St. Paul, Bangalore, and the concelebrants were Fr Marius Gangmei a relative of Sr Rosita Gangmei and the Jesuit priests from the neighbouring house. Fr. Robert Correa in his homily appreciating the Novices for their courage to embrace religious life which is a rarity in these modern times quoted from Pope Francis “Religious life is God’s gratuitous gift. We need to have the ability to recognize Jesus, to see “what really matters in life”. It begins with “knowing how to see grace”, especially by seeing how God works in our lives, “not only in life’s grand moments but also in our fragility and weakness”.
After the Eucharistic celebration, the newly professed were felicitated in a well-organized and meaningful program. The Greetings from our Mother General Sr Bernardita Meraz to the newly professed and to all the sisters brought joy and happiness to everyone present. The Family members, friends, and well-wishers added a unique colour to the occasion.
We wish our newly professed sisters, God’s many blessings for their fraternal and apostolic life and pray that the Motto of our mother Scholastica Rivata “Lord you alone are enough” continues to inspire them and the assurance of the Divine Master to our Founder “Be not afraid I am with you” sustain them all through their journey of discipleship.