With a deep sense of thanksgiving to the Divine Master for his gracious accompaniment in these 100 years of our existence in the Church, we the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master at New Delhi had a thanksgiving Eucharist Celebration on February 10, 2024, at Sacred Heart Cathedral presided over by Most Rev. Anil J. T. Couto Archbishop of Delhi, concelebrated by Most Rev. Deepak Valerian Tauro, Auxiliary Bishop of Delhi, Bishop Emeritus Most Rev. Vincent Concessao, Pauline priests, other diocesan, and religious priests.
In his homily, Archbishop Couto stressed the need to balance our contemplative and apostolic life like St. Scholastica on whose memorial the PDDM congregation was founded. He further pointed out that the Eucharistic Adoration that we carry out in the Sacred Heart Cathedral is the most glorious and exalted ministry that embraces every person.
After the Holy Eucharistic, we had a short Program at Jesus & Mary convent school hall. The program began with welcoming the guests, followed by a prayer dance and a Video Presentation on the life and works of our founder Bl. James Alberione. Archbishop Couto in his final speech expressed a deep appreciation for our founder, the Pauline family, and the PDDM ministry. The dignitaries were presented with a memento, and the celebration came to an end with a Festive Lunch.
Our hearts swell up with gratitude and joy for the grace the Lord had bestowed upon us and the privilege to be part of this beautiful and eventful Celebration. With God’s blessing, we carry forward these unforgettable experiences to a new era of discipleship.
Community of Aradhana, New Delhi