As we recount the blessings of God during this Centenary year, the Indian Province is blessed to celebrate the perpetual profession of six of our sisters,
Sr M. Ujilseema Dungdung,
Sr M. Fiyona Koprea,
Sr M. Salima Kullu,
Sr M. Anita Lakra,
Sr M. Bibiana Thaipaoliko &
Sr M. Anjana Toppo
It was a privileged moment for our sisters to pledge their vows to our Superior General Sr M. Micaela Monetti on February 2, 2023, a day dedicated to the Consecrated Life.
The Eucharistic celebration was officiated by His Grace Bernard Mores the Archbishop Emeritus of Bangalore and the Administrator of the diocese of Mysore. The Pauline and the Jesuit priests concelebrated in the Eucharist. The other members of the Pauline Family along with the families and friends of the sisters were present.
In his simple yet profound homily, the Archbishop reminded the sisters that the Religious profession is the most significant act of meeting between the Divine Master and His Disciple. He invited them to hold this treasure of great value with deep reverence and with the perpetual profession to give themselves with greater generosity.
Following the Eucharistic Celebration, the joyful atmosphere continued with felicitation and greeting the sisters. While expressing their gratitude and thanks to the Lord who had called them and betrothed them to himself forever, they entrusted themselves to the prayers of all present and profusely thanked the Archbishop, concelebrants, our Superior General Sr M. Micaela Monetti, parents, the PDDM sisters, friends, and well-wishers for their presence, support, availability, and assistance.
It was indeed a Grace-filled day, a day of Praise and Glory to God.