To the Province of INDIA

The Visit of the Superior General Sr M. Bernardita Meraz, and General Councillors Sr Kanikai Mary Issac & Sr M. Louise O’Rourke to the province of INDIA, a land of colours, distinct cultures, languages & traditions, the cradle of many religions where a guest is considered God’s own reflection; brings immense joy, grace, and blessings to every Indian Sister.
The sisters were welcomed in a traditional Indian style with a welcome song. After thanksgiving prayer and the Magnificat, Sr M. Bernardita gave a short message wherein she mentioned that “like the women of the Gospel who awoke in the early hours of the day to meet the Lord, the whole community waited for our arrival, I feel deeply touched by this gesture”. She also added that she had seen the Indian sisters in photos and is now happy to see them face to face. She felt privileged to step into this land where the pioneers and the previous mothers had walked.
During these days of visitation of our Mother General and her team, we remain in a spirit of gratitude and openness to God’s voice.