The community of Orsola Bhavan is indeed blessed by God with its scenic beauty. We see the glimpses of the beauty of God’s creation in the freshness of the air and the nature around. It is in this beautiful setting that we continue our journey, the journey of our integration. When we look at the journey of our past month, we see the growth which we have attained, through various input sessions. This has enabled us to view life in an integrated way. The sessions are as follows:
Ecclesial and Spiritual Identity RL 1-22 by Sr. Regina Sebastian PDDM
Identity of a person plays a major role in shaping the life of a person. It was indeed enlightening to know our Spiritual and Ecclesial roots which shapes our future, inviting us to deepen our knowledge on the Articles of the Rule of Life and thus to venture into this world with renewed vigor.
Wholeness to Holiness through Sujok Therapy by Sr. M. Teresa Sinduraj PDDM
This course enabled us to have a holistic approach to life, which comprises the entire human person. The integration of all the components in a person leads to healthy and holy life.
Pauline spirituality webinar by Fr. Devasia SSP
It was a detailed presentation of spirituality in general, the need of spiritual life and Pauline spirituality, its roots and the factors which contributed to the evolution of the Pauline spirituality which continues to form the Paulines all across the world inviting us to encounter our Divine Master like our founder Fr. James Alberione and thus make Him known to all.
Inner healing by Sr. M. Romana PDDM
The early childhood lays the foundation of one’s personality was explicitly dealt during the course. The positive and negative elements of a person, the emotions, the inner wounds which stand in need of healing, all these were complemented by practical sessions involving various therapies which helped us to experience how powerful healing can be and it gradually helps to become better religious.
Self knowledge for a free and integral response by Fr. Anil D Mello SJ
The course was an eye opener, challenging us to say ‘Yes’ to our Lord taking into consideration the realities of the world, our country and plan of action for our lives as the Disciples of the Divine Master. The responsibility of one’s ‘Yes’ to the call entails commitment, dedication, love for God and its people. This was the invitation set before us as we continue our journey.
Prayer and contemplation by Fr. Domnic Vaz OCD
A deeper understanding of prayer has dawned and it helps us to communicate with God from the depths of ones being. It also gave a clear knowledge of contemplative prayer with the examples of great spiritual giants like St. John of the cross and St. Treasa of Avila. Thus, enabling us to walk on the path paved by mystics and attain union with God.
Yoga and Physical wellness by Sr. Helen PDDM
Wellness in all aspects was well presented during the course. The theory of Yoga and its principles and how it makes the way for good health was explained in great clarity. The practical Yoga classes were of great help, various warm up exercises, asanas and Jesu namasakara which were taught, has now become part of our lives.
Psycho Spiritual Integration by Sr. Janita UFS
This course was very enriching and enlightening. The greater stress was laid on the integration of mind which is a very powerful faculty in a person, and when it is filled with positive elements it can work wonders. The integration of one’s mind with spirituality will have miraculous effects on the life of a religious and their ministry.
Other activities
Along with above mentioned input sessions there are numerous factors which contribute to our overall formation. They are: Our regular personal encounter with our formator has helped us to grow in all the aspects. The synthesis and integration at the end of every course was enlightening and helpful for the growth of each other. Gardening and cultivation of vegetables kept us with the communion with the God’s creation. We also shared moments of joy and laughter with our recreations and outings. We were delighted to serve the community with the multi cuisine, like all varieties of north and south Indian food. The practice of various therapies and of holistic health care helped us to become more kind and tender hearted towards one another. The ecclesiastical tailoring helped to become more dedicated in our liturgical apostolate.
Thus, with great trust we place our hand in the hand of our Lord and joyously continue our formative journey.