Fr Stan Swamy is a Catholic priest who belongs to the Jesuit Order. He worked tirelessly for the rights of the Adivasis of Jharkhand. His life was simple, with frugal means to his sustenance, he proclaimed the good news to the poor totally committed to the cause of the Gospel. Just because he identified himself with the down trodden and the marginalised this hurt the selfish interests of the bureaucrats and he was arrested, put in prison and died in custody. To this Saint of our modern times who infused more life into us through his death than his life, Karnataka, CRI organised an Online Tribute on July 18, 2021 from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm.
There was the presence and sharing by some Bishops and Jesuits who have been associated with his life and mission. At 7 pm, all the religious community members were requested to gather in front of their houses with lighted candles and photos of Fr Stan, as a mark of our Tribute to him. The PDDM community at Guru Yesu Bhavan participated with full strength along with the Jesuits to form a human chain to express our solidarity to the cause of Justice.
Fr Stan will live forever in the hearts of Adivasis and
all those who stand for the Gospel values.