The long-awaited day, 30th May 2024 dawned with a bright sunshine radiating a beautiful smile on the faces of the Sister Disciples at Pondicherry. It was a great and memorable day on which we celebrated the Centenary of the foundation of our congregation, Sister Disciples of the Divine Master. The Sacred Heart Basilica and its campus were adorned with lights and flowers as the Centenary Celebration was held a day before we began the novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Like busy bees’ sisters were moving around preparing for the Eucharistic banquet which is the supreme act of thanksgiving for the wonders, God has done to us for the past 100 years.
The Solemn Thanksgiving Eucharist was presided over by the Most. Rev. Dr. Francis Kalist the Archbishop of Pondicherry-Cuddalore Diocese and concelebrated by Vicar general Rev Fr. Kulandai Samy and parish fathers. The PDDM sisters from Bangalore and Chennai, the religious from nearby convents, family members, friends, benefactors, and many parishioners were part of the celebration. Although the Mass was in Tamil, the local language of the place, the Archbishop gave us an inspiring homily in English. He emphasized the obligation of our call to become Eucharist to others, receiving nourishment, strength, and grace from the Eucharist. He also stressed that the Charism and Mission of Sister Disciples are unique and different from those of other congregations. Appreciating our presence in the archdiocese, he thanked us for our prayer contribution to the Church in Pondicherry. The melodious singing of Sr. Mary Gracelet and Sr M. Bibiana added color to the celebration.
After the Eucharistic celebration, there was a concise program in which the Archbishop, Vicar general, and parish priest of Sacred Heart Basilica Rev. Fr. Pitchaimuthu, and the special guests, were honored with a centenary memento. The Parish priest and a senior parishioner who had known us from our arrival in Pondicherry shared their views about our presence in Sacred Heart Basilica. The celebration came to an end with the sharing of a festive meal.
The sweet memories of this auspicious occasion still linger in our minds and we say from the bottom of our hearts ‘DEO GRATIAS’ to Almighty God.