Every celebration creates beautiful memories in our hearts. The centenary celebration at Tura celebrated on the 6th of April 2024, was one such memorable, day for the community.
The celebration began with the traditional Garo dance leading the entrance procession to the altar. Rt. Rev. Andrew R. Marak the bishop of Tura diocese solemnized the Holy Eucharist with other concelebrants.
A brief history of our Congregation read at the time of introduction gave a clear understanding of our Charism and Mission to those gathered. During the homily, the bishop having explained the meaning of the Jubilee appreciated our presence and mission in the Diocese and the Parish.
After the Eucharist, there was a short felicitation program in which we presented the centenary memento to the Bishop and the Parish Priest. Small gifts were given to the concelebrants and souvenirs to people gathered for the celebration. The presence of religious brothers, friends, and neighboring families added joy to the celebration. The festive moment was concluded with a grand agape.
We continue to thank the Divine Master for his guidance during these 100 years of our presence in the church. In the annals of our community, this event will always stand out as one of our cherished memories.