PDDM Mumbai
The centenary celebrations of our congregation in India took a new momentum with the programs organized for the youth that were welcomed with much enthusiasm. On August 20, 2023, young people from the Mumbai region were invited to listen to our story of 100 years. The gathering began with contagious joy and laughter with a thunderous echoing of the young energies vibrating the Prarthanalaya campus.
They gladly wore the badges which carried a centenary logo with the theme “In the footsteps of Jesus”.
Sr Amita Mascarenhas introduced the theme briefly alongside a presentation emphasizing the importance of Listening. Then led the group into sharing their understanding of the word ‘Listening’. It was heartwarming to discover the ideology of young minds. Some spoke about being present in mind, heart, and soul, while others highlighted the importance of listening without judgment, simply paying attention to someone, etc. In fact, the very letters of the word “LISTEN come from “SILENT”. They also spoke of how understanding God’s plan comes from Listening.
After the sharing, the priceless letter of Ven. M. Scholastica, the co-foundress of PDDM was read and explained, where light was thrown on offering the holy mass to those who are offensive. Sr Amita highlighted the conscious participation in the Eucharist which will ignite the fire among the young and the old of the parish. She also challenged them to become agents of transformation in the new millennium and extended the invitation for the second session on the theme of “Welcome” which will be held in October.
PDDM, Mysore

With the clarion call to share the joy of our centenary celebrations with the young people, we the Novitiate community at Mysore, India, began a youth program in the Parish on 17 October 2023. Surprisingly we experienced a wholehearted collaboration from the Parish Clergy and the Parishioners. The young people enthusiastically participated in the event.
Pope Francis in his meetings with the young people constantly encourages them saying not to be afraid to encounter Jesus because he loves them. This was an opportunity for us to share with them the joy of our religious vocation and the centenary story of our PDDM family with the theme ‘In the footsteps of Jesus’ LISTENING, WELCOMING, AND ANNOUNCING.
The participants collaborated well and were very dynamic, lively, and vibrant all through the program. They expressed their joy in coming to know about our congregation and that they look forward to more such gatherings. It was a very enriching experience for our Novices.