On 20thJanuary 2021, during the Liturgical prayer of the Vespers, the sisters who were called to form the government of the province of India received their mandate of service.
Sr. M. Celine Cunha the Provincial Superior, Sr. M. Josephine Rodrigues Vicar and Provincial Councillor for formation, Sr. M. Victoria Gaurea Provincial Councillor for Mission, Sr. M. Precilla Patrao Provincial Councillor for Communion of goods, Sr. M Regina Sebastian Provincial Councillor for Spirituality, Sr. M. Gincy Thekkanath Provincial Secretary, Sr. M. Florence Lark Provincial Treasure.
For the newly elected provincial team the following three days from 21st to 23rd January were enriching days of formative sessions, encountering the reality of the province and communion with the Superior General and her Team.
The first day began in a prayerful spirit discovering the call to service in God’s Word through Lectio Divina and knowing each other in order to create a stronger fraternal bond among the team members which was led by Sr. M. Celine Cunha, Provincial Superior.
Continuing in the same spirit, Sr. M. Del Refugio Saldate led the group in a lively dynamic of sharing about our call to the ministry of service to the province. After which, the Superior General Micaela Monetti and Sr. M. Anetta Szczykutowicz explained and clarified to the team the principles and structures of communion from the Rule of Life.
The second day, the whole team was on their toes in knowing and learning from the previous team the activities needed to be carried out and listening in openness to the presentation of the previous provincial government’s report, both at the institutional and economical level. The report in all its details brought out the growth the province had made in the past three years, the prospects and the challenges that are ahead.
On the third day, the team challenged themselves to consider the perspectives for the future listening and in dialogue to the final considerations of the General Government. Even during this pandemic situation, the providence of God through technology made it possible for the New Indian provincial team to have this beautiful moment of encounter, togetherness and communion possible.
We are extremely grateful to the Superior General and her Team for this valuable time spent in enabling the Indian Province to walk forward with hope.