30 August 2021, was an auspicious day, as we recalled with joy the 61st anniversary of the Definitive approval of our Congregation and on this occasion four of our Novices Anjela Samad, Asmita Dimekar, Rowena Patil and Sharolin Rodrigues made their first religious profession, in the chapel of the community at Orsola Bhavan – Mysore, India. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr A. Jerome MSFS, the Rector of the minor seminary. Sr Celine Cunha, the Provincial Superior received their vows.
The festive look of the Orsola Bhavan, the chapel overflowing to its capacity with the members of the community and the sisters from various parts of Bangalore all added color to the occasion.
This celebration was a historical event for the Jettihundi village where our Novitiate is situated, because it is for the first time that a religious profession was held over here.
The Eucharistic celebration was followed by the Felicitation and cutting of the cake. The Provincial Superior and the Superiors from other communities felicitated the newly professed. The celebration concluded with festive lunch. We are grateful to our Divine Master for blessing our Province with four more disciples. May our Beloved Founder and Mother Scholastica continue to inspire and guide these, our young sisters in ways that are marvelous.