The 4th Annual Day of the Divya Kala Kendra – Fine Arts centre for Education was held last Saturday 14th March at Prathnalaya began with the auspicious lighting of the ceremonial lamp by distinguished assembly of guests Chief Guest film actress Ms. Vaishali Irani, Guest of Honour bass guitarist Mr. Sheldon D’Silva and Special Invitees Bollywood music composer Ms Merlin D’souza and Dr. Paschol Carvalho (Doctorate in Microbiology and violinist) and the daughters of the Chief Guest.
This was followed by the cultural programme starting with the Lamp Dance, which exemplifies the importance of the lamp that leads us from darkness towards light. The perennial existence of Music and its spiritual essence was felt in the song I’d like to build a world a home that symbolizes ‘Harmony’ was truly exhibited in the scintillating performance by the tiny tots of DKK. All this in keeping in tune with this year’s theme – ‘Living in Perfect Harmony’.
The Provincial Superior Sr Rose Mary, who could not be present, gave a very inspirational message which was read out by Sr Amita Mascarenhas. In her message she emphasised
that everything comes to us from above with grace and blessings from God and the support and care of parents and teachers. She quoted the late Dr. Abdul Kalam “All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.”
More entertainment came forth with a Fusion Dance, a combination of Bharat Natyam, Kathak and Western dance performed by the dance students of DKK presented with great enthusiasm.
At the event, 40 music students who appeared for the Trinity Grade Examination and 14 dance students who appeared for Bharatnatyam grade exam were presented Certificates of Excellence. All passed with 100 % result. It was a joy to see parents and friends cheering each student as they climbed the dais to receive their certificates from the distinguished guests. This year the award for the Best Student of the Year 2019 was awarded to Ms. Denelle D’souza, while the Certificate of Excellence 2019 was awarded to Mr. Krish Paliwal. For the first time since DKK began, the teaching staff instituted a Best Teacher award 2019, with the first award presented to Sr Amita Mascarenhas.
The well orchestrated Yoga Dance by 7 students brought to the fore, how yoga helps in controlling an individual’s mind, body and soul, thus bringing with it physical and mental disciplines to achieve harmony and balance in our lives. Ms Zenia Parmar a teacher for English vocal presented the Annual Report accentuating the progress of the school since its inception and also highlighting the milestones achieved during the last academic year.
The setting sun, an unexpected cold breeze on a March evening, brought an end to another well organised Annual Day. Sr Valencia part of the teaching faculty, gave a vote of thanks while the audience cheered in unison. Finally, the National Anthem was sung concluding an evening of grandeur.