We congratulate Sr Saly Joseph for successfully defending her thesis titled “The relevance of Public Relations in Bringing Peace and Harmony Among Major Religions of Southern States – An Analytical Study” on August 26, 2022 in the department of Journalism and Mass Communication at Jnana Bharati Campus, Bangalore University.
In her thesis she explained on the importance of inter- religious programs in this current scenario and the need for every religion to come together and study on the realities of each Religion. She explained in depth about the Five Major Religions namely, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Jainism.
On this auspicious occasion Provincial Superior Sr M. Celine Cunha, along with her Councilors, Sr M. Shyla Kolery the Superior of the community and a few other members were present at the venue along with her research supervisor Prof. Dr Jagadeesh Prakash, other faculty members of the department, research scholars and post- graduate students.
The study was well appreciated by all present. We wish Sr Saly Joseph all the Best for her future endeavors.