Annual retreat of the Juniors.

fc5-2-800x600We, the juniors of the Indian province gathered together in Guru Yesu Bhavan, Bangalore for our annual retreat. The preacher  Rev.Fr.Bobbin, a camillian priest, with the help of the scriptures enabled us to experience the Divine. In silence we were able to listen to the voice of God, who through the scriptures unfolded the treasures of wisdom and love. Many experienced spiritual and physical healing too.All throughout the retreat we experienced the power of the Spirit who enlightened us, renewed us and gave us  a new vision. After the retreat, a course on Psycho- sexual Integration was conducted by Rev. Fr. Francis, SJ. He gave us a new understanding on this topic, and how  as celibates we can channelize our time, talents, and energies for God’s kingdom. In short the course helped us to understand how an integrated life can be a great asset to the Congregation. Then we went for a day out to an amusement park, and there we relaxed, enjoyed and had fun. Finally we had input sessions from Sr. Rose Mary, Sr. Paulcy and Sr. Rose Nagde. We are grateful to our Provincial, Sr. Rose Mary and our formators, for arranging this wonderful programme, and for accompanying us very closely during our stay in Banglore.  –  Juniors.