These past two years, the lockdown had nearly threatened to silence the sound of music among us. Yet, we have had to discover new ways to let this sound resound even louder than before. This celebration was a little different from what we would normally expect – a double celebration of our annual Christmas get-together and our 4th convocation day. Many students eagerly await the distribution of their Trinity grade certificates. A 2-minute silence was maintained for all the victims of the Corona Virus pandemic. That God in his mercy, may be their strength in these trying moments of life.
The Christmas season is one which gives us hope that God has fulfilled his promise to us his beloved children in the birth of his only begotten son Jesus. Presenting this wonderful story and the message of Christmas were our dance students choreographed by our dance teacher Sr. M Sushma.
Carolling is an integral part of the Christmas season in many parts of the world. Carols were passed on from generation-to-generation by word of mouth until the 16th century. Our music students sang to the rhythm of Silent Night accompanied by Kevin Saldanha on the keyboard. Our Chief guest dear Sr. M Swarna was introduced by our student Cassandra D’mello and felicitated with a Shawl and a potted plant by our students Mrs. Regina Rodrigues and Devika Vailaya on behalf of our school. Sr. M Swarna handed our students their Trinity grade exam certificates amidst the cheering of fellow students and parents. 45 students who appeared for digital electronic keyboard Trinity College, London exam under the guidance of Sr. M Amita passed with flying colours. A mention of our student Denelle was made here as she scored a perfect 100 marks out of 100 in her grade evaluation.
Taking a break from the distribution of certificates our students added joy to the event with their singing of the songs Joy to the world and Ding Dong merrily accompanied by our student Adele Pinto on the Keyboard.
Sr. M Gracy Dsouza the superior of Prarthanalaya was invited on stage and our student Mrs Agnes Taites felicitated sister with a shawl. Excitement was building up as students looked at each other trying to make a wild guess as to who among them would receive these certificates of excellence.
The surprise had still not ended. Since the last year, a new tradition of the Carolling competition to encourage and appreciate the talents of the students was started and this year too many students eagerly participated and were anxious to hear the outcome of the competition. The winners of this year’s competition were – instrumental: 1st place – Adele Pinto; 2nd place – Nichole Saldanha. For singing: 1st place – Denelle Dsouza; 2nd place Zenia and her sister Zenan.
Our music student Denelle Dsouza sang ‘The 12 days of Christmas’ intriguing our audiences with code numbers from 1 to 12.
Sr. M Jenybie was welcomed back again to our music school at Prarthanalaya and Sr M Amita presented a shawl to welcome her. On behalf of the teachers and students at DKK, Sr. M Sushma presented a gift to Sr. M Celine Pamei in appreciation of her service.
The biggest driving forces, our pillars and our Mentors Sr. M Amita and Sr. M Sushma were called on stage to express our thankfulness and to appreciate them.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Sr. M Celine Pamei. As always, the program culminated with our Christmas special guest visiting us from the north pole with his Ho!! Ho!! Ho!! and the jingling of Christmas bells… bringing a smile on the faces of little children and wonder in their eyes as Santa handed out sweets for everyone.
Mrs. Rosetta Falcon the anchor for the program made the event lively and memorable.
By, Mrs. Rosette Falcon