Communication -1

January 19-20, 2023
The long-awaited 4th Provincial Chapter of the Indian province began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided over by Rt. Rev. Peter Machado, the Archbishop of Bangalore. In his homily, he enlightened the Chapter members on the importance of a provincial chapter and the need to update the mission, to be apt and relevant to the current scenario of the Church and in the circumscription. He also spoke about the importance of synodality and the family year and the role of the priest and religious in guiding the families to live a true Christian life.
In the afternoon at 2.30 PM, the chapter members gathered before the grotto of our Lady and prayed for the success of the Provincial Chapter. The preparatory committee led us with a short prayer and invited us to move in procession to the chapter hall. The Superior General led the procession holding a Globe as a sign of union with the whole congregation. The other participants held a symbol of heart which is to be laid outside the hall as a sign of renouncing their own self and washing their hands as a sign of renewal of mind and heart. Then participants were greeted with a welcome dance by our junior sisters.
Before beginning the chapter proceedings three lamps symbolizing the Holy Trinity were lit by Sr M. Micaela Monetti, Superior General, Sr M. Celine Cunha, the President, and Sr M. Scholastica Panthaladikal, the senior most member among the participants.
Sr. M. Celine Cunha, the President of the chapter extended a warm welcome to the Superior General Sr. M. Micaela Monetti (The chapter Consultant), and officially invited the elected chapter delegates to the provincial Chapter and presented them with the chapter kits.
The Superior General Sr. Micaela Monetti in her address to the chapter delegates stated that we are here not because of our choice, rather someone has elected us. She said, calling each one by name reminds us of the Day of our Religious Profession and the voice that calls us each time is that of our Master. She also reminded the delegates that in the Chapter every member has the equal right and personal responsibility to listen, speak, and make decisions. We are not here to present or defend our own ideas but to listen in mutual respect and to nurture whatever is good and beautiful for the growth of the Indian Province.
Sr. M. Celine Cunha, the President of the chapter in her introductory speech, exhorted the chapter members to question themselves as to what type of PDDM we are for the young people of today. She said with an integral spirituality we need to listen to each other with an unconditional availability. We need to listen to the movement of the spirit and be open, sensitive, creative, committed and prophetic in the world of today. After her introduction she officially declared the 4th provincial chapter open.
The session continued with the president presenting the regulations of the provincial chapter and voting for Sr M. Regina Sebastian and Sr M. Shanthi Priya Lewis, as moderators. Sr M. Gincy Thekkanath was appointed as Chapter Secretary and Sr M. Florence Lark Vijayaraj as actuary. Sr M. Therese Sinduraj was appointed for Health Care. With the consent of the chapter delegates, members for the various services like prayer animation and music etc. were selected to carry out the responsibilities. The day ended with a self-introduction by the delegates.
The second day began with a morning prayer led by Sr M. Romana Pulichumavil, Sr Sushma Dung Dung. At 9.00 am Fr Jayanathan, the Monsignor of the Archdiocese of Bangalore guided the chapter delegates with reflection on Incarnational spirituality, the need of the hour, the need for change, social problems, and challenges of the catholic church in India.
In his talk, he categorically stated that the various dimensions of the PDDM missions should reach the different realms of the church and the people of India. He insisted that we need to make a difference in the life of society through our charism and mission. He challenged the chapter delegates to think outside of the box and to have a wider vision of society to see the realities of the people of India. He also mentioned the importance of having qualifications in various fields which facilitates professionalism in our ministries.
He spoke about life in communities that needed to be changed in their structure, formation, and outlook while holding on to the charism of the congregation. We need to give new expression to religious life and have an optimistic attitude toward life.
The day was concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Sr Gracelet Mudiappan which was followed by a Benediction in the community chapel. The day of recollection ended with a cup of coffee.
Sr. Saly Joseph & Sr. Kumudini Toppo